Just as an example of how we work:
September 30th
Attenders: Anabel; Paddy; Vanina; Jessica; Almendra.
1) There will be weekly meetings on Thursdays from 9 to 11AM.
2) We will use Q-method in the first part of the fieldwork. The goal is to identify the issues regarding seeds IPR and Their impact on biodiversity; access to seeds; innovation rate; food sovereignty, etc. We are going to develop a set of statements by reviewing the 'volume of discussion' on the topic of interest. It should cover Several Discourses or 'ways of seeing'. The participant sample size will be Nearly 20 people and will be determined by the question of interest. They Might include Breeders; Consumers, media, NGOs, policy makers, academia, international funding Organizations, etc. The results of the interviews will be inputs for the next stage.
4) We will apply the Multicriteria Mapping Method to interview about 10 people Carefully Chosen based on Their time availability; decision capacity, Possibility to be part of the T-lab, etc. The goal is to identify and assess subjectively possible alternatives (Regarding IPR) to address the identified issues.
5) Based on the previous inputs we will develop a T-lab that will last one day approximately. The aim is to develop an "alternative pathway" to address the issues Identified in the third stage. Jessica will be the facilitator. The Participants should be constructive and feel responsible of solving the issues instead of
assigning all the responsibility to the government.
October 6th.
Attenders: Anabel; Paddy; Vanina; Jessica; Almendra.
We shared the advances in the set of statements (explained in the previous note).
If we find a statement that corresponds to other person we will write it down in the Excel too. I.e. if Anabel (responsible for private sector) finds a statement from activists (Jessica is responsible), she will save it in the Excel.
When we find a statement we will analyse the assumptions that it implies. I.e. which is the Estate´s role there? How is the power built? Is it a fact or an opinión?
November, 25
Attenders: Anabel; Paddy; Vanina; Jessica; Almendra; MARCELO LABARTA.
Marcelo Labarta is a key stakeholder for our project. The works at the National Institute of Agriculture Technology and, previously he worked at National Insititute of Seeds. He has a wide expertise on the field.
During the meeting we talked about the issues and impliances of more strict IPR regulations. He told us there is not a clear perception of the risks of more restrictive IPR regulations among breeders. However, there are already issues related to the access of germoplasm due to patents. Furthermore, he identified some risks of lose of biodiversity due to the appropiation of local seeds for private companies that can patent them in foreing countries.
As from this meeting we are thinking about fucusing the research in a few representative (for different criteria) crops like:
* soybean (Glycine max): It is the most important crop in our country currently if we take into account the cultivated area and the volume harvested;
* quinua (Chenopodium quinoa): it is an Andean crop with strong cultural roots and high nutritional value;
* Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
* Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum)