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First workshop STEPS

April 2016


During the fisrt days of April, we organized the First Steps Workshops in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

At the meeting, we received participants from the differents countries invelved at the Pathways to Sustainability research project.

Job meetings
Weekly | 2 hours | from April to December
Since early this year we have periodical meetings to discuss the theory, share empirical information reached, analize the state of the situation and propose new actions in order to keep working to reach the goals of the project.

Participation in debates & events
Periodical | On demand | Since 2014 
The debate about a new seeds intellectual property Law in Argentina has begun some tiema go. We´ve been following this matters for years in discussion forums and debate tables organized by different institutions, also as guests, public or speakers.

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PIPA production
Net of agents & contacts  
We made a map detailing alliances and agents who woud be interested or involved in our reaserch topic. We incluede organisms and individuals with different power of acction at any level: local, regional, national or international.
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Broadcast Campaign - Join the debate |Open
We made a public petition so that our representatives open the debate and offer more participatory possibilities about a new law in the country.
Almost 200 people have signed it so far. You can also do it!!
Broadcast Campaign - Intellectual Propeerty in seeds
Outreach Video  3 versions
We made an introductory video about intellectual property in seeds, aim to reach a broader audience. With this action, we are trying to promote the information and the participation in the national debate about possible changes into the actual regulation.
Discussion Series About Seeds Regulation
September, 2016
We organized a reflective talk with specialists from differnt sectors who shared theirs proposlas and points of view. This event was part of a discussion series hold by STEPS & Fundación Cenit, within Universidad de Tres de Febrero.

Seminar. "Law of seeds and power entrepreneur in Argentina" 
December, 2016
Since the early 2000s, biotechnology companies have unsuccessfully called for a change in the seed law that would allow them to raise higher royalties on the GMOs they introduce to the market.
In this paper, Juan O´Farrel (CONICET/UTDT) draws on recent innovations in the conceptualization of entrepreneurial power in the field of comparative politics (Fairfield, 2015; Culpepper, 2011) to try to understand the reasons for which, between 2003 and 2015, reform managed to advance within the Ministry of Agriculture but it was not discussed in Congress.
He argues that one of the keys to this result is in the reasons why the threats of disinvestment of the companies (structural power) were not credible among the officials.
He uses as main input interviews with officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, businessmen and representatives of the chambers of the sector.
The work is part of his doctoral thesis in Political Science in which O'Farrell studies business policy in the agricultural sector.

Cenit Fundation|

STEPS Centro Latin America

Callao 353, 3B - CP 1022

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Argentina

Tel: +54 11 4373 3714

Fax: +54 11 5199 6393


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